Outstanding student paper award
The award for outstanding student paper went to Emmi Felker-Quinn.
by artsciweb
The award for outstanding student paper went to Emmi Felker-Quinn.
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The award for a biology GTA was given to Lauren Wilmoth for her teaching and leadership as a teaching assistant in biology classes.
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This year’s recipients of the Cokinnius grad student awards were Melissa Cregger and Phillip Hollingsworth.
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Staff members Marva Anderson, Jaime Call, Pearl Kirkland-Smith, Cheryl Lynn, and Anne Mintz all received awards for their service to the department.
Marva Anderson receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
Jaime Call receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
Cheryl Lynn receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
by artsciweb
The award for outstanding student paper went to Emmi Felker-Quinn.
by artsciweb
The award for a biology GTA was given to Lauren Wilmoth for her teaching and leadership as a teaching assistant in biology classes.
by artsciweb
Staff members Marva Anderson, Jaime Call, Pearl Kirkland-Smith, Cheryl Lynn, and Anne Mintz all received awards for their service to the department.
Marva Anderson receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
Jaime Call receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
Cheryl Lynn receiving an envelope from Dept. Head Gary McCracken
by artsciweb
The remaining greenhouse has had many of its windows broken, apparently through hail or wind from the storms of April 27. There was no loss of human life. Below is a photo of that damage, which also shows the cleanup of the the first destroyed greenhouse.
by artsciweb
Fred Norris Greenhouse 4, attached to the Hesler building, was destroyed in a windstorm on April 25. Below are photos of the damage. The other greenhouses appear undamaged. No response plan has been announced yet.
by artsciweb
The Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage is an annual five-day event in Great Smoky Mountains National Park consisting of a variety of wildflower, fauna, and natural history walks, motorcades, photographic tours, art classes, and indoor seminars. Most programs are outdoors in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, while indoor offerings are held in various venues throughout Gatlinburg, TN. Many UTK faculty, staff, and students participate in and organize these events.