Craig E. Barnes

Craig E. Barnes
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Barnes received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Harvey Mudd College in 1977; he earned a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from Stanford University in 1982. He then undertook postdoctoral work in chemistry at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University as a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. In 1984, Dr. Barnes joined the faculty at the University of Tennessee.
B.S., Harvey Mudd College (1977)
Ph.D., Stanford University (1982)
The overall theme of my research program is to identify and explore the properties of new, highly engineered inorganic materials. Among the areas of application are heterogeneous catalysis and the development of new porous materials as sensors and sorbents. Students in my research program will develop expertise in three different disciplines: synthetic inorganic chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis and materials science. Current research projects include the development of selective oxidation catalysts, polymerization catalysts, immobilized nanoparticle catalysts and the properties of porous sorbents. In addition to becoming familiar with the foundations of inorganic and catalysis science, members of my group gain experience in the manipulation and characterization of air sensitive materials, the spectroscopic characterization of materials (solution and solid state NMR, IR, UV/Vis, ESR, X-ray spectroscopy) and characterizing the properties and reactivity of new catalytic materials.
NATO Postdoctoral Fellow
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow
Selected Publications
Barnes, C. E.; Sharp, K.; Albert, A. A.; Peretich, M. E.; Fulvio, P.; Ciesielski, P. N.; Donohoe, B. S., Metal-silicate catalysts: Single site, mesoporous systems without templates, J. Nanosci. Lett. 2015, 5, 1-7. (download the pdf file)
Styskalik, A.; Skoda, D.; Moravec, Z.; Abbott, J. G.; Barnes, C. E.; Pinkas, J., Synthesis of homogeneous silicophosphate xerogels by non-hydrolytic condensation reactions, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2014, 197, 204-12. (download the pdf file)
Keffer, D.; Suraweera, N. S.; Albert, A. A.; Humble, J. R.; Barnes, C. E., Hydrogen Adsorption and Diffusion in Amorphous, Metal-Decorated Nanoporous Silica, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 9242-53. (download the pdf file)
Veith, G. M.; Baggetto, L.; Adamczyk, L. A.; Guo, B.; Brown, S. S.; Sun, X.-G.; Albert, A. A.; Humble, J. R.; Barnes, C. E.; Bojdys, M. J.; Dai, S.; Dudney, N. J., Electrochemical and Solid-State Lithiation of Graphitic C3N4, Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 503-08.
The Targeted Synthesis of Single Site Vanadyl Species on the Surface and in the Framework of Silicate Building Block Materials, Ming-Yung Lee, Jian Jiao, Richard Mayes2, Edward Hagaman2 , Craig E. Barnes3*, 2010. (download the pdf file)
Craig E. Barnes, Building Block Approaches to Single Site, Site Isolated Heterogeneous Catalysts in Modern Surface Organometallic Chemistry; Basset, J.-M., Psaro, R., Roberto, D., Ugo, R., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: Darmstadt, 2009, p 137-63.(download the pdf file)
The Reaction of the Si8O20(SnMe3)8 Building Block with Silyl Chlorides: A New Synthetic Methodology for Preparing Nanostructured Building Block Solids,Jason C. Clark, Craig E. Barnes, Chem.. Mater., 2007, 19, 3212.(download the pdf file)
Synthesis and structure of functional spherosilicate building block molecules for materials synthesis, J. C. Clark; S. Saengkerdsub; G. T. Eldridge; C. Campana; C. E. Barnes, J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 3213-22. (download the pdf file)
Building block syntheses of site-isolated vanadyl group in silicate oxides, Narendra N. Ghosh, Jason C. Clark, Geoffrey T. Eldridge and Craig E. Barnes, Chem. Comm., 2004, 856-857. (download the pdf file)
Mesoporous Materials by Sheng Dai and Craig E. Barnes in Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry, J. Atwood, J. Steed, eds., Elsevier, New York, 2003.
Stepwise assembly of surface imprint sites on MCM-41 for selective metal ion separations,M. C. Burleigh; S. Dai; E. W. Hagaman; C. E. Barnes; Z. L. Xue, ACS Symp. Ser. 2001, 778, 146.
EXAFS Study of Uranyl Nitrate Dimer at High and Low Temperature. Barnes, C. E.; Shin, Y.; Saengkerdsub, S.; Dai, S. Inorg. Chem. 2000, 39, 862.
Hierarchically Imprinted Sorbents for the Separation of Metal Ions. Dai, S.; Burleigh, M. C.; Ju, Y. H.; Gao, H. J.; Lin, J.-S.; Pennycook, S.; Barnes, C. E.; Xue, Z. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2000, 122, 192.
Temperature Dependent Rh···Rh EXAFS in Dinuclear and Adsorbed Rhodium Species, Barnes, C.E. ; Ralle, M.; Vierkötter, S. A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 5861. (download the pdf file)