Janice Musfeldt

Janice Musfeldt
Ph.D., University of Florida (1992)
B.S., University of Illinois (1987)
My research group is interested in the behavior of materials under extreme conditions. We are well known for our spectroscopic work in high magnetic fields and pressures, under unusual chemical and photochemical activation, and at very small sizes where quantum confinement becomes apparent. Representative publications that illustrate the breadth and depth of our science program are given below.
2023 Ziegler Professor, University of Tennessee
2022 Alexander van Hook Award, University of Tennessee
2021 Senior Research Award, University of Tennessee
2020 NSF Creativity Award
2017 Fellow, American Physical Society
2010-2015, 2015-2020 Ziegler Professorship
2010 Chancellor’s Award for Research and Creative Achievement
2001 NSF Creativity Award
1996 NSF CAREER Award
Selected Publications
Vibrational fingerprints of ferroelectric HfO2, S. Fan, S. Singh, X. Xu, K. Park, Y. Qi, S. W. Cheon, D. Vanderbilt, K.M. Rabe, and J.L. Musfeldt, npj Quant. Mater. 7, 32 (2022).
High field magnetoelectric and spin-lattice coupling in multiferroic (NH4)2[FeCl5(H2))]. K.D. Hughey, M. Lee, J, Nam, A.J. Clune, K.R. O’Neal, W. Tian, R.S. Fishman, M. Ozerov, J. Lee, V.S. Zapf, and J.L. Musfeldt, Inorg. Chem. 61, 3434 (2022).
Nonreciprocal directional dichroism at telecom wavelengths, K. Park, M.O. Yokosuk, M. Goryca, Junjie Yang, S.A. Crooker, S.-W. Cheong, K. Haule, D. Vanderbilt, H.-S. Kim, and J.L. Musfeldt, npj Quant. Mater. 7, 38 (2022). NHMFL Science Highlight
Symmetry progression and polar metallicity in NiPS3 under pressure, N.C. Harms, T. Matsuoka, S. Samanta, A.J. Clune, K.A. Smith, A.V. Haglund, E. Feng, H. Cao, J.S. Smith, D.G. Mandrus, H.-S. Kim, Z. Liu, and J.L. Musfeldt, npj. 2D Mater and Applic. 6, 40 (2022).
Excitations of intercalated metal monoloayers in transition metal dichalcogenides, S. Fan, S.N. Neal, C.J. Won, J.W. Kim, S. Deepak, J.J. Yang, D.G. Mandrus, S.-W. Cheong, J.T. Haraldsen, and J.L. Musfeldt, Nano Lett. 21, 99 (2021).
Exploring few- and single-layer CrPS4 with near-field infrared spectroscopy, S.N. Neal, K.R. O’Neal, A.V. Haglund, D.G. Mandrus, H.A. Bechtel, G.L. Carr, K. Haule, D. Vanderbilt, H.S. Kim, and J.L. Musfeldt, 2D Materials 8, 035020 (2021).
Spectroscopic analysis of vibronic relaxation pathways in molecular spin qubit [Ho(W5O18)2]9-: sparse spectra are key, A.L. Blockmon, A. Ullah, K.D. Hughey, Y. Duan, K.R. O’Neal, M. Ozerov, J.J. Baldovi, J. Aragó, A. Gaita-Arino, E. Coronado, and J.L. Musfeldt, Inorg. Chem. 60, 14096 (2021).
Developing the pressure – temperature – magnetic field phase diagram of multiferroic [(CH3NH2]MnHCOO)3, A.J. Clune, N.C. Harms, K.R. O’Neal, K.D. Hughey, K.A. Smith, D. Obeysekera, J. Haddock, N.S. Dalal, J. Yahng, Z. Liu, and J.L. Musfeldt, Inorg Chem 59, 10083 (2020).
Site-specific spectroscopic measurement of spin and charge in (LuFeO3)m/(LuFe2O4)1 multiferroic superlattices, S. Fan, H.Da, A.F. Febola, K.A. Smight, J.A. Mundy, C.S. Brooks, M. Holtz, D.A. Muller, C.J. Fennie, R. Ramesh, D.G. Schlom, S.A. McGill and J.L. Musfeldt, Nature Comm. 11, 5582 (2020). NHMFL Highlight, December 2020.