Chemistry Professors Participated in eVOL10 Program
Chemistry Professors Michael Best and Brian Long participated in a high school outreach program eVOL10. They mentored students to design, build and test vehicles that were propelled through the combination of sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid. The final runs of the cars were held on Thursday, June 12 at the Buehler Hall loading dock at 8:30 am. A total of 32 students participated in this year’s eVOL10 program. Evolved from a previous program: Introduction of Sophomores To Engineering Principles (INSTEP), eVOL10 is a one-week summer program started in 2013. It introduces participants to applied sciences and ACT math preparation, and provides opportunities for them to compete in challenges involving the interplay between chemistry and engineering, and tour an engineering industrial plant. The program was provided to students at no major cost and is projected to continue in future years. This is the second year that Best and Long participated. They both received eVOL10 Service Awards after last year’s program.