2024 Honors Day
On Thursday, May 2nd the Department of Chemistry held its annual Honors Day event. Honors Day is an opportunity to recognize student, faculty, and staff excellence via awards and fellowships. This year the Dr. Robert A. and Phyllis F.J. Yokley Endowed Fellowship was awarded for the first time. Dr. and Mrs. Yokley traveled from their home in North Carolina to join the celebration and meet the first winner of their fellowship. Distinguished alumnus Dr. Subu Natesan, CEO and President of AstraGlass Innovations, delivered the opening address.
Honors Day Awardees
Outstanding PhD Candidate Awards
Shahzad Akram (not pictured)
Bukola Ogunyemi
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards
Lydia Lang
Vernon Stafford
Charles W. Keenan Award
Zack Hulsey

Jerome Eastham Fellowship in Organic Chemistry
Dillon McBee
Graduate Fellowship for Achievement in Inorganic Chemistry
Adam Hand
Judson Hall Robertson Graduate Award in Analytical Chemistry
Kevin Siniard

Eugene John Barber Fellowship in Physical Chemistry
Jeffrey Laub
Dr. Robert A. & Phyllis F.J. Yokley Endowed Fellowship
Dakota Landrie
Gleb Mamantov Graduate Chemistry Scholar
Miranda Limbach

ACGS Awards
ACGS Member of the Year
Brandon Sanders
Amarachi Sylvanus
Christy Witcher (not pictured)
James F. Green ACGS Service Award
Crystal Armstrong
Jennifer Brown
Carol Moulton ACGS Service Award
Linda Sherman (not pictured)
Staff Awards
Outstanding Service Awards
Eric Mercer
Matt Tomm
Faculty Awards
Zeigler Professorship
Mark Dadmun (not pictured)